Friday, September 17, 2010


when we paint something ,often we make a sketch first and then make a bigger painting from it. In this process the spontaneity we see in the smaller sketch is lost. the reason , I feel is that we try to add the details not found in the smaller sketch. We paint more 'carefully'. This carefulness results in loss of sontaneity.
To avoid this we should refrain ourselves from this tendency. Another thing is that when we paint in a bigger size we should use proportionally bigger brushes. The tools we use determine what we have to do.
What do you think ?
Here is the example. The lower one (7X10") is the sketch from which the upper one(11X15") was done.


  1. Very true, sir! The difference is clearly visible.However I find even your bigger paintings spontaneous because of your loose strokes and simplification!

  2. Ditto sir. I always find this very difference between my sketches and paintings too. But as Ramesh said your painting also looks very spontaneous. :)

  3. I think advice about using proportionally bigger brush is worth its weight in gold :) I see spontaneity in both :)

  4. Your observation is quite right..the light in the smaller sketch was somewhat lost in the bigger one.I too have a tendency to work around details too much- need to overcome that!

  5. Lovely demo! We can clearly see what you mean and it makes a lot of sense to me! Oh, yes bigger brushes for bigger canvasses makes it a greater tool.. somehow I end up struggling with the small brushes I have:-)

  6. Thank you all , my friends, for your comments !!!
